3 PIN SUITS: HT-010402 - Throttle Position Sensor -Grey CW Rotation 8mm D-Shaft HT-010404 - Throttle Position Sensor -Black CCW Rotation 8mm D-Shaft
INCLUDES: Pack of 3 Pins.
4 PIN SUITS: HT-020006 - Quad Channel OEM Igniter (Coil output/Drive side only) HT-010604 - S3 - Black Dual Channel Hall Effect Sensor HT-010606 - S4 - Grey Dual Channel Hall Effect Sensor
INCLUDES: Pack of 4 Pins.
5 PIN SUITS: HT-020006 - Quad Channel OEM Igniter (ECU control/Switch side only)
INCLUDES: Pack of 5 Pins.
7 PIN SUITS: HT-020002 - Dual Channel OEM Igniter HT-020004 - Triple Channel OEM Igniter
INCLUDES: Pack of 7 Pins.